Be Own Sports Foundation was born from the vision our Founder had to give kids a safe place to play, learn and make Friends.
WHY build a facility someone asked me once?
My answer was very simple. I was just like these amazing kids and just like many of them, I did not have a safe place to play with developmental programs that was free to use, a place that encouraged me to work hard, respect and to believe in myself. I remember playing outside with my friends under horrible conditions but to us it was our home and a place that we loved. We did not have a facility that was safe to play on but that did not matter because we still had a place to meet and play.
I remember witnessing a group of young girls covering each other to change before a Basketball game because they did not have a simple locker rooms to get some privacy. These kids play on broken surfaces which are extremely hard on their knees, lower back and joints, as a result will Create long term health concerns. These incredible kids did not do anything wrong, and all they want is a safe place to play and grow as every kid should.
Everyday all over Africa kids play on such courts because it is the only option they have and it is a place of peace, a place they know and have made many friends. Today there are opportunities for kids to play somewhat on better surfaces but the number of those facilities does not even come close to how many courts needed for more kids to have access, fun and develop their talents in sports and education.
The reason this article is titled unfinished business, it is because I was the person who worked so hard to give the kids a safe place to play and our team came so close to get it done but few partners pulled out last minutes which broke my heart for those kids. There is no day that goes by without me working on finding a way to bring new partners/donors to joint us in 2020 so together we can get this facility finish for the kids. Finishing this facility means more than just for kids to play somewhere safe. It is a huge opportunity to show kids that in life you can never give up and if you keep pushing someone will come along to help you push pass the finish line and no one shows up to help you at least you did not give up on yourself.
We are so excited about new opportunities to build new courts all over Africa with new partners, including finishing building these courts. what is certain is that we will never stop our mission to Keep creating new opportunities for the youth. These facilities will be the meeting ground for kids from all over the world to know that where there is a Be Own Sports court, there is joy, caring and all are always welcome!
Donors, partners and sponsors, join us and witness For yourself the joy of thousands of kids in our Be Own Sports Foundation family as we accomplish this dream one stone at a time.
LET YOUR GAME SPEAK and join us in this incredible selfless act of empowering youth.